Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So here I am

Hey there dark empty void of cyberspace...Here I am , the second time around ... I somehow lost track of things I was willing to divulge about my life on a website ( which im quite sure no one was reading ) . So why am I back then? Well... I was blog hopping and I chanced upon some Blogs I  hadnt been seen in the past 2 and half years ( how the heck did that happen !! ) ..namely Fat Expat and Fake Plastic Souks. And i thoroughly enjoyed reading their posts on things that were relevant to me. Finally .No more Himalayan Pink sea salt and Pierre Herme macarons ( not that id say no to either ) . Incidentally I came upon their blog while searching for some Gochujang in Dubai...So yes I am a hard core foodie. ... got me thinking that prolly someone out there might benefit from my own rant and rave....So here I am. I hope I can be more faithful to this blog..  =)
So how about that Gochujang?

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